Peace Of Mind For Your Business & Assets
Orbis has tested and worked with virtually all of the top camera manufacturers' products. Surveillance systems are only as good as the cameras being used to record and selecting the right camera for each application is paramount. In keeping with our commitment to being at the leading edge of technology we are proud to be a vendor of Bosch cameras. While most camera systems rely on primitive mono-chromatic infrared technology to see in the dark, Bosch has taken nighttime video to a whole new level. With FULL color at night, with no additional illumination. This technology is called Bosch Starlight and it's something to see! Check out the video below to see it in action.

- Protect your valuable products, technology & and proprietary information
- Protect the security of your employees
- Keep tabs on workforce
- Deters theft from within the company
- Used to gather evidence & shore up legal cases such as workers comp

- Deter theft and solicitors
- Cameras in your garage & storage
- Helps with dispute resolution w/employees or vendors
- Helps record product or personal movement through your facility
Check out the demo!