Is your home WiFi dropping Zoom calls, constantly buffering, or leaving dead zones throughout your home?
With everyone in the family at home and using WiFi to work, browse, and stream on all sorts of devices, home networks are struggling! If your WiFi is spotty and your Zoom calls are dropping, try these tips:
What Should you Do?
As you set up your company’s work from home procedures, we recommend following these best practices.
- Reboot the Router. If your router has had constant use for months, a reboot can help flush stale connections. If you have consistent WiFi issues this likely won’t be a permanent fix, but it could help you get through your next few calls.
- Move Closer. Home routers can typically reach 150 feet indoors and up to 300 feet outdoors, but older style routers reach only 1/3 of that distance. Unfortunately, there are many obstacles that obstruct or disturb the signal along the way including metal appliances like washing machines or furnaces, concrete, aquariums, TV’s, baby monitors, microwaves, and Bluetooth devices. For your next important call, try moving closer to your router for a stronger connection.
- Eliminate Extra Devices. The average home router can realistically serve about 8-10 connected wireless devices before breaking down into a “first come, first serve” packet management model which causes buffering and inconsistency. Turn off other connected devices before an important call. You can also consider upgrading to a dual band router and designate the higher band (5 GHz) for streaming multimedia use only.
- Install a Robust WiFi System. If the above tips just aren’t cutting it, the size of your home and/or the number of devices regularly accessing your WiFi are likely maxing out the capacity and reach of a single home router. Consider a custom designed, enterprise-grade WiFi system that utilizes wireless access points to maximize signal in every area of your home. These systems can handle large numbers of connected devices, heavy data throughput, and keep devices connected even as you move about the home. This eliminates dead zones, dropped connections, and slow transfer speeds.
Strong, fast, and consistent home WiFi is necessary now more than ever. If you are frustrated with your WiFi, work through the above steps to maximize connectivity at home. You do not need to settle for constant buffering and spotty connections! Contact us for a free consultation to discuss options for installing a robust, enterprise-grade WiFi system in your home.